Canal Promise Neighborhood Data

The Case for the Canal

  • Canal census tract is most segregated Latino neighborhood in Bay Area
  • Canal has high concentration of garbage sites; threatened by sea level rise, half of COVID cases in Marin
  • Lifespan 9-years shorter than residents of nearby Ross
  • Canal has highest concentration of students of color, with correlating academic disparities

Schools Serving Canal Students

Click on a school map point to view more information about each school serving students from the Canal.

Los íconos adicionales en la parte superior derecha le permiten compartir el mapa y verlo en pantalla completa.

Tablero de mandos con detalles

Seleccione los filtros a continuación para ver datos detallados por distrito, escuela, tipo de escuela, % de estudiantes de color y población (nota: haga clic en el ícono de Looker Studio en la parte inferior derecha para acceder a la pantalla completa/menú, incluido un botón para restablecer los filtros)